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Content management

Our i-Click content management system provides the perfect balance of: a feature-rich tool set for managing your website but which is still very easy-to-use.

Most content management systems have a fairly complicated administration interface which is used when you want to edit content. i-Click allows you to edit content directly from the pages of your website.

When you are logged-in you can switch on the edit links, in the content. When your mouse cursor is over the edit link, the content which can be edited is highlighted.

the i-click website content management interface

Click on the edit link to load the content into a rich text editor which allows you to add and format text and add hyperlinks and images. You can save and view your changes on the web page without closing the editor.

the i-click website content management interface

If you'd like to test drive i-click, please contact us.

Get in touch with Ionic!