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Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation or SEO is an integral part of website design and development projects.

As well as providing built-in SEO, we can also provide consultancy services to optimise your website to ensure that your website is ranked highly in searches on all the major search engines.

As well as providing built-in SEO, we can also provide consultancy services to optimise your website to ensure that your website is ranked highly in searches on all the major search engines.

Our solutions all include:

  • Web traffic reporting to allow you to monitor the performance of your website
  • Skilled analysis service for traffic trends and user behaviour to help you further optimise performance.

Google AdwordsTM

Ionic can also help you put together your promotional strategy for your website including preparation and running of paid advertising campaigns using Google AdwordsTM and banner placement.

By providing these services we deliver a comprehensive promotion and marketing service for all types of web site.

Get in touch with Ionic!