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Online Directories

Online Directories and Listing Systems

Ionic have Developed a suite of functionality for producing Online Directory and Listing Systems. Like all our web systems this follows our philosophy of employing tried and tested modules to produce reliable and intuitive interfaces.

Types of Online Directories

Listing systems vary from centrally managed systems where administrators carry out and control the process of adding listings to fully delegated systems where the listing owners control and maintain their listings. Each system will lie somewhere on the continuum between control and autonomy; we are able to tailor the level of control to your requirements.
 Online directories have a wide range of applications including:

  • Directory of Members
  • Business Listings
  • Service Location Directories

Online Directory Components

Online directories and listing systems usually consist of the following component technologies.

  • Registration and User Management Systems
  • Listing Management Interfaces
  • Optimised Listing Displays
  • Advanced Search Facilities

View more details of how the online directory components work below:

Online Directory Components: Advanced Search Facilities

Ionic can provide a range of Search and Filtering options for your directory and can create custom search and list display pages. » read more


Online Directory Components: Listing Management Interfaces

Managing the actual listings in a directory is key to creating a successful directory. Whether you plan to maintain the listings yourself or allow users to maintain their information you need a solution which provides simple intuitive interfaces. » read more


Online Directory Components: Optimised Listing Displays

If users are paying to be listed in your directory they'll want to know that their listings have good search engine rankings. Ionic's directory systems help to automate the process of search engine optimisation. » read more


Online Directory Components: User Based Management Systems

If you want users to maintain their own listings in your directory, a user management system is essential. Making this process as painless as possible for users and administrators is key to creating a successful directory. » read more


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