online directories and listings icon

Online Directories

Components: Listing Management Interfaces

Centrally Maintained Systems

This approach assumes that all listings in the directory are maintained centrally by an administrator. In this scenario the interfaces are design to speed up the listing creation and maintenance process. In addition to the interfaces we can offer data import services and tools to allow you to create large numbers of listing based on data from external sources.

User Maintained Systems

In this scenario people using the system will have had no training or specific skills, it's important that all the interfaces for the user are completely intuitive and as simple as possible. Ionic have considerable experience in designing user interfaces which guide the user and make the whole experience as painless as possible. We use techniques such as dynamic validation to tell a user about problems on a form field before they continue to complete the rest of a form.

Information Used in Listings

The range of information which can be contained within a listing can be customised for each directory. Information is used to display on the listing detail page but may also be used to facilitate criteria filters. Planning the information content for each listing is an important phase in the design of your directory. Some examples of information used in directory listings is shown below:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Map Geolocation
  • Images
  • Documents for download
  • Keywords
  • Category information

Our experience and use of tried and tested modules and methodologies mean that you can be assured that your systems are easy-to-use.

Get in touch with Ionic!