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Web Design process

We have a solid, tried and tested process to ensure that your web project runs smoothly and the results meet all your expectations.

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    This section explains the 4 stages in our web design process.
    Click on a step above to view detailed information about each stage.

1: Discover

'1: Discover' image During the discovery stage Ionic use their experience to ask you the right questions so that we can build a picture of what you hope to achieve with your website. If necessary, we will arrange a meeting to discuss any special features. This will lead to creation of the design brief. » read more


2: Design

'2: Design' image Now that we have the Design Brief and Project Scope agreed, we can begin to visualise the website. This is done in 2 careful, stages in which we progressively clarify how the website will look and function. » read more


3: Build & Deploy

'3: Build & Deploy' image With the design agreed, it's now time to build your website. Ionic have the expertise and experience to build on a solid foundation of Best Practice in: Robust Code, Slimmed-down HTML and CSS, Usability, and Flexibility. » read more


4: Maintain

'4: Maintain' image Ionic look after their customers when the site goes live, by looking after their site. As part of your first year's hosting package we'll keep an eye on your site to make sure it keeps working as it should. We'll update the servers and the software when required and keep the site secure and in tip-top condition. » read more


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