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Website Care Package

Looking after your website: Hosting, Support and Upgrades

When we've built a website we like to make sure it performs and keeps on working. 

Rather than providing just hosting, we provide a comprehensive Website Care Package. In addition to hosting, we take care of your website, so that you don't have to worry about your website's security or remembering to update software or renew domains or certificates, we'll do all that for you.

When you get a website from Ionic we provide the hosting and a whole lot more:

  • Website monitoring: We will monitor your site to make sure it is running smoothly and monitor and react to security threats. Most hosting packages only commit to keep the server and key services running; we make sure your website is working.
  • Future Proofing: We always keep up to date with emerging technologies. We make sure your website is compatible with newly launched web browsers and protected from any new security threats. We make sure that that your site can take advantage of new technology developments. We also make improvements to our technology based on feedback from our customers and end-users.
  • Google Analytics: We set up a Google Analytics account for you, so that you can monitor activity on your site.
  • Domain: We will renew your Domain Name annually.
  • Firewalls: We set up and manage Firewalls, to increase the safety of your website. Unlike many web companies, we manage our own Linux servers, which are hosted within their own firewalled subnet, isolated from other servers at the same hosting facility. Each server is separately locked down and monitored both locally and remotely to ensure maximum uptime for all services.
  • Daily Website Backup: We perform a daily backup all content on your website.
  • New features: We are constantly developing new features and content templates which allow you to take advantage of emerging web technologies.
  • Help: We are always available to help you with any technical support or questions.

Get in touch with Ionic!