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Our Work

Take a closer look at how we work with our clients to deliver great web development solutions

Discount Medicines

'Discount Medicines' image Discount Medicines is an Irish owned and operated online retailer of specially priced medicines, toiletries, skincare, fragrances and vitamins. With over 30 years experience in the pharmaceutical and retail sector, they offer a very extensive range of products at amazing prices. » read more



'GPBuddy.ie' image GPBuddy.ie is the most complete online medical directory built by GPs for Irish healthcare professionals. The founders of GPBuddy set out to create a solution which provides medical professionals with a definitive source information about services and practitioners. GPBuddy has grown to include information for over 15000 practitioners and services in Ireland and has expanded to include educational and communication tools. » read more


Online Directory Solution: www.bestwill.ie

'Online Directory Solution: www.bestwill.ie' image This web development project aimed to promote legacy giving by providing a directory of solicitors who are participating in the Best Will in the World campaign. This campaign provides those wishing to leave a legacy to charity with a fixed price consultation with a participating solicitor. » read more


Online Directory Solution : www.isin.ie

'Online Directory Solution : www.isin.ie' image Ionic developed an online directory with registration and listing facilities for ISIN, the Irish Software Innovation Network. The client needed a system that would allow its members to create and maintain online listings showcasing their academic research and commercial activities. » read more


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