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Irish Software Innovation Network: Case Study

Ionic developed an online directory with registration and listing facilities to allow academic researchers and businesses to create online profiles and search tools to facilitate the matchmaking process.

The Project

The Irish Software Innovation Network (ISIN) is a free matchmaking service between Software Companies and Third Level Research Institutes, connecting businesses easily to world class expertise, knowledge and research.


ISIN needed a system that would allow its members to create and maintain online listings showcasing their academic research and commercial activities. The system had to be simple to use and at the same time allow comprehensive listings to be created complete with images and project details.

Online Registration and Account Management

Ionic built an online registration system to allow members to create an account on www.isin.ie which is used to control access to create individual content managed listings on the system.

Listing Management

The system allows members to create and manage their main listing and add multiple project listings. Content management features are provided using simple templates allowing each user to maintain their listings using a very easy-to-use interface.

Search and Browse the Directory

Both simple and advanced search facilities were provided for the directory allow users to search by keyword and filter by listing category. In addition to the search, browse pages are provided for each category of listings.

Web Design - Case Study

Identity Re-Design - Case Study

View the Website - by ionic

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