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Online Directories

User Based Management Systems 

Allowing individual owners of listings to maintain their information in your directory has several advantages:

  • Reduction of central administrative work
  • Improved accuracy of information
  • Information is more likely to be kept up-to-date

In order to allow individual users to maintain their information you need to provide reliable, secure access for users. Ionic have developed a range of options to make controlling access simple and reliable. You have the option of having existing users imported and user accounts created for them or we can provide user registration modules to allow users to register themselves on the website. 

Ionic can offer advanced features for the user registration process including:

  • Online payment for registration
  • Administrator approval steps
  • Email validation of registration
  • Anti-SPAM features

Our user management systems are built using tried and tested methodologies which are designed to be user-friendly and secure.

Get in touch with Ionic!