Web Design Portfolio

Rialto Medical – http://www.rialtomedical.ie/

Ionic gave Rialto Medical a re-brand with a new logo design and colour-scheme, and a completely new responsive, mobile-friendly website.

We completely re-designed Rialto's branding giving them a new logo, typography and colour scheme. We bore in mind not only that it should inspire the confidence that the practice deserves by looking good, with the right personality and medical flavour, but also:

  • How it would work within a new website design, and 
  • How it would display on social media pages like Facebook and Twitter

The new branding and site design not only looks great, standing with the best of medical professional websites but it's also mobile-friendly.

Our technical upgrade to their website uses Ionic's own responsive website framework, making it work simultaneously on any mobile device such as smart-phones and iPads / tablets.

View the Website - by ionic

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