identity design icon

Identity/Logo design

NAI: Identity Re-Design Case Study

NAI's branding had lost visual focus and consistency, so Ionic updated the logo and typography before redesigning the website. 2 conceptually very different alternative designs were proposed but the client preferred not to make a complete break from the basic concept so familiar to its audience and members.


The NAI acronym was changed to a friendlier lower-case sans-serif, with a new slab-serif typeface used to replace the old-fashioned serif font of the Neurological Alliance of Ireland text - which was out-of kilter with the modernistic main motif.


A new purple and green were chosen as brighter, more positive and appealing alternatives to the murky dark purple and turquoise.

Mags Rogers - Development Manager, Neurological Alliance of Ireland

For the logo redesign, the challenge was to update a logo that member groups were attached to, while providing an updated look for the organisation, using fresh colours and design. The resulting logo incorporates the existing features but in an updated look that was acceptable to the membership.

We have had a very positive experience in working with Ionic to date, not only in terms of adhering to the brief we outlined, but in adding to this with their own suggestions and expertise. This is invaluable in an organisation like ourselves which does not have inhouse design and IT personnel. In terms of ongoing support, the Ionic team provides a prompt and comprehensive response to any queries and, most importantly, the response is geared to the particular client and their level of expertise in implementing a solution."

Website Re-Design Case Study

The Smallest Things

Visit NAI's website

1 of the Alternative Proposals

This approach was based on Electron Microscope images of Neurons. The concept was too scientific looking for their target audience. It's felt that NAI is about the sufferers - not about the science behind their ailment.

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